While excessive alcohol can lead to fatty liver (Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver Disease), in many cases it does not play a role.
It is associated with obesity and a lack of exercise. It forms part of a metabolic syndrome that includes diabetes mellitus, obesity, high cholesterol and hypertension – all of which increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as a heart attack or stroke.
Most people with fatty liver disease do not know they have it. There are usually no symptoms till late. Your doctor can do tests to check your liver’s health.
It is treated with a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, and weight loss. Weight loss surgery may be helpful in more severe cases.
Exercising regularly and keeping a healthy weight are important. Your doctor may recommend screening for hepatitis and vaccination against hepatitis A and B. Limitation of alcohol intake is important as well.
Most people with fatty liver will not get chronic liver disease (fibrosis or cirrhosis) if the
condition is
mild or well- controlled. Fatty liver in its early phases can be reversed with simple lifestyle
changes such
as healthy diet and regular exercise. However, if it progresses or worsens, it can lead to more
problems such as liver damage and increased risk of liver cancer.
Seek a liver
doctor early to learn more.
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
#08-07, 3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510
Tel: 6454 0054
Fax: 6764 0054
Email: ask@surgicalassociates.sg
Gleneagles Medical Centre
#05-01, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499
Tel: 6471 0054
Fax: 6271 0054
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